
Excellent Dressage Sales

Koestraat 9-11
5095BD Hooge Mierde
+31 (0)135091666

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Excellent Dressage Sales 25 April 2015
Are you looking for a dressage horse with excellence? Carefully bred and selected? A talent with a solid education? A horse with an honest story? With advice from an Excellent team of internationally acknowledged experts? And all this in the unique environment of Academy Bartels in Hooge Mierde, Holland?

Then you should not miss Excellent Dressage Sales, the auction organised by the top horse scouts of Holland: Joop van Uytert, Nico Witte, Tim Coomans, Gertjan van Olst and Joep Schellekens. This Excellent team has proven that it can breed, manage and train horses to international shiners.

In 2014 Excellent Dressage Sales had an avarage prize of €73.000,-.