Percheron Mix Wallach 4 Jahre 170 cm Buckskin in Clayton
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+25 Bilder

Rusty 4 Yr old 16.3hh Dirty Buckskin Percheron/QH Cross Gelding

Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Inserats-ID: 4032488
Einstelldatum: 05.05.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 435
Inserat gemerkt: 5
Gebot auf Auktion
r Beanstanden

Weitere Informationen

Das Percheron ist eine Kaltblutpferderasse, die seinen Ursprung in der Region Perche in Frankreich hat. Es wurde zunächst als Kriegspferd gezüchtet, doch es stellte sich schnell heraus, dass es auch auf dem Land gut zu gebrauchen war. Daraufhin wurden in den folgenden Jahren Stuten und Zuchthengste ... Mehr zur Pferderasse Percheron
4 Jahre
170 cm
ist Beistellpferd
ist geländesicher
ist Allrounder


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⚜️ The Elite Spring Classic ⚜️ Happening now thru MONDAY | MAY 6th - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website!

For more details and to register visit: www.HorseBid.com 

CONSIGNOR CONTACT: K&K Ranch 715-556-6006
BREED: Percheron Quarter Horse Cross (Draft Cross)
COLOR: Dirty Buckskin
HEIGHT: 16.3
AGE: 4
GENDER: Gelding

“Rusty” is a 4 year old Dirty Buckskin Percheron / Quarter horse cross who has been started correctly! He stands at 16.3. This big handsome boy has the sole of a 20 year old horse. Rusty’s favorite job is trail riding. And he is the ultimate trail partner for ANYBODY to ride. He will go up and over hills, log through water or point and shoot him through the brush. Nothing bothers Rusty! Rusty has the biggest puppy dog personality. When you’re in his stall he will follow you around until you give him some loving! He’s got the quietest eye. SWEETEST personality ever!!! Rusty could be a huge asset to a ranch as he is good with a rope! He does have experience with dragging calves and helping load trucks. We have also used Rusty for pulling kids in a sled around the farm. Rusty is extremely easy to operate he neck reins and will stand there by the mounting block so you can get on and off him. He has a beautiful smooth lope that’s like sitting in a rocking chair. Rusty knows both of his leads. He has been desensitized with tarps, flags dogs, cats, deer, birds, and multiple kids and their toys and chaos everyday at the farm! Rusty is a special horse, and at 4 years old he has his whole life in front of him for someone to enjoy, and take him in any direction! With Rusty’s loving personality he’s at the bottom of the totem pole. He hangs out with the ponies in the pasture and plays at least half of the day. He stands good for the farrier. Rusty is clean legged no bumps cuts bruises or anything and 110% sound!
PPE is welcomed at buyers expense!
Shipping is available ANYWHERE!
I would be happy to tell you about Rusty so please don’t hesitate to call!
715-556-6006- Kyle


Needmore, PA 17238
Homepage: horsebidllc

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Needmore, PA 17238