4 mal gemerkt
Eventing (or jumping) filly
20,000 zł
~ 4,344 € VB
Inserats-ID: 4307319
Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Einstelldatum: 12/12/2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 1244
direkt vom Züchter
Equidenpass vorhanden
- Deutsch
- Italienisch
- Englisch
- Niederländisch
- Spanisch
- Französisch
- Polnisch
Filly born on June 26, 2024 Large, with a long leg, strong joints. Great mover, very good in all three gaits. Flexible and roomy in movement. Always in balance. Consciously using the hindquarters, with a natural tendency to lift the front - also in downward passages. The best moving filly during this year's championship in Rzeczna, also counting dressage fillies. Score 8.6. Suitable for jumping and eventing, but in dressage will also benefit from it. Trusting, intelligent, with a lively, cheerful temperament. Healthy.

Talma de TalmaCatrhago ZJoyeuseCAPITOL IPERRAQREDO DE PAULSTRAMidinette Deux
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