American Quarter Horse Wallach 10 Jahre 145 cm Rotfuchs in Canyon
1 Video

Mouse 10 Yr old 14.1hh Sorrel Quarter Horse Gelding

Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Inserats-ID: 3925472
Einstelldatum: 11.02.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 1195
Inserat gemerkt: 1
Gebot auf Auktion
r Beanstanden

Weitere Informationen

Das American Quarter Horse, auch Quarter Horse genannt, stammt ursprünglich aus den USA und ist die meist verbreitete Pferderasse der Welt. Es gibt weltweit ungefähr 4,6 Millionen registrierte Quarter Horses. Die Rasse entstand im 17. Jahrhundert, als reiche Plantagenbesitzer aus Virginia und Caroli ... Mehr zur Pferderasse American Quarter Horse
10 Jahre
145 cm
ist Beistellpferd
ist geländesicher
ist Allrounder


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❤️‍‍Be Mine SELECT❤️‍ Happening now thru MONDAY | FEBRUARY 12th - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website!

For more details and to register visit: www.HorseBid.com

CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Jeff O’Connor 806-683-7372
BREED: Quarter Horse
COLOR: Sorrel
HEIGHT: 14.1
AGE: 10
GENDER: Gelding

Introducing Mouse !!
Mouse is 14.1 hands tall with an enormous amount of heart. Mouse is the first one to meet you at the gate no matter rain, snow, sleet or shine. Whether you need Mouse everyday on the ranch or a nice monthly trail ride, this horse never gets fresh and never disappoints! Not only is Mouse gentle for anyone, he is very agile. As a 2 year old, Mouse had a great foundation in the cutting pen. After his 2 year old year he was used extensively in the feedlot and ranch to sort and doctor off of. Mouse is the gelding that everyone enjoys to ride! This big-hearted gelding is gentle for anyone to be around. When Mouse is tied up in the barn alone you don’t have to worry about him, he is one of the most trustworthy horses we have had on our place. He is always a gentleman when it comes to saddling, bridling, loading, de-worming, bathing and also great for the farrier. Mouse always knows where is feet are and never trips or stumbles. We have used Mouse to guide weekend trail rides out in the Palo duro canyon which includes water, logs, timber, traffic and tons of wildlife! Mouse has seen just about anything you could put in front of him! Mouse is also a joy to ride in the arena. He is a big time stopper with fancy spins and smooth, collected circles. Mouse’s cow work is nothing to leave out. He has a lot of expression on a cow. He would excell in the boxing or ranch cutting . Mouse also does well with time off! Whether you leave him off for 2 days or 2 weeks Mouse is the same horse every time you ride him! If you are ready for a home raised gelding that is safe, gentle and versatile for the whole family to ride, look no further!
If you would like to come out and try Mouse or if you have any additional questions, contact Jeff O’Connor at (806) 683-7372!


Canyon 79016, Texas


Needmore, PA 17238
Homepage: horsebidllc

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Needmore, PA 17238