American Quarter Horse Wallach 13 Jahre Rappe in Hillsboro KY
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+10 Bilder

Online Auction, Place your bid at www PlatinumEquineAuction com

Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Inserats-ID: 3591003
Einstelldatum: 24.04.2023
Inseratsaufrufe: 2909
3.500 $
~ 3.286 €
r Beanstanden

Weitere Informationen

Das American Quarter Horse, auch Quarter Horse genannt, stammt ursprünglich aus den USA und ist die meist verbreitete Pferderasse der Welt. Es gibt weltweit ungefähr 4,6 Millionen registrierte Quarter Horses. Die Rasse entstand im 17. Jahrhundert, als reiche Plantagenbesitzer aus Virginia und Caroli ... Mehr zur Pferderasse American Quarter Horse
13 Jahre


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Starting Bid $3500
Auction Ends May 7th
This is a very well broke and well trained black Quarter Pony Rocky Mountain crossbred gelding that has been youth-ridden. His name is Carrots and he has been ridden by children, novice, and beginner riders. He stands 12.2 hands tall and he is 12 years old. He will trail ride all day long and he is a sturdy made little horse that can carry an adult sized rider. He has been ridden double, bareback, and he will pack saddle bags or a pack sack with no problem. He has been in the mountains flushing out wild cattle, he has helped sort cow calf pairs, he has been checking the fence lines and loading out trucks. He’s even been used in the feed lot. He has been used to rope the slower calves. He has been a real ranch pony. He is traffic safe on the main roads, not spooky, and solid on the trails. He will go anywhere you point him and through any depth of water. He will one hand neck rein, one step lope, and stop easily on whoa. He will back up, move off of leg cues, and move out when asked. He walks out nicely, he will 4 beat gait, he will trot, and canter. He is smooth and comfy at all speeds. He hops right on and off any size trailer and he hauls with ease. He stands to tack, mount, and groom. He takes his time picking through rocky terrain and he can go up and down steep hills carefully. He is sure-footed and a real pleasure to ride. Carrots will put a smile on your face whether you need a youth pony or you want him to ride for yourself. He is good with other horses, he is good in a stall or turned out, and he will stand tied overnight on the camping trips. Don’t miss out if you want a super cool handy sized and handy broke pony gelding that truly can DO IT ALL and make you look good doing it. Call H&R Horses Erin 304-238-4155. Located in Hillsboro, KY.
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Starting Bid $3500
Auction Ends May 7th


Hillsboro KY 55555


Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299

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