3 mal gemerkt
DUTTON 8 Yr old 14.3hh Sorrel AQHA Gelding
Gebot auf Auktion
Inserats-ID: 4338716
Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Einstelldatum: 1/26/2025
Inseratsaufrufe: 654
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January ⭐️ All Star Lineup ⭐️ Happening now thru MONDAY | JANUARY 27TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Nolan Horses 563-590-8109 LOCATION: Peosta, Iowa BREED: AQHA REGISTERED: Yes REGISTERED NAME: Boonlights Lil Olena COLOR: Sorrel HEIGHT: 14.3 AGE: 8 GENDER: Gelding Dutton is a horse that can go in any direction! Breakaway ropers, sorters, ranch versatility riders and trail riders look here! He is one of those hard-to-find geldings, that has been loved and well taken care of for the last four years that our family has owned him! Dutton has a great pedigree, mind and all the athletic ability required of him to make a top- notch prospect for any job required of him! He is 8 years old, stands right at 14.3 hh, is currently barefoot, and has all the shape and substance you could want. Dutton has a very versatile skill set- from excelling in multiple arena disciplines, breakaway roping, checking cattle and a trusted partner out on the trails- he will quickly become the family favorite! He is quiet and gentle, is easy to ride and aims to please. Dutton stands to be mounted, has a good walk, and a ground covering trot. He is excellent out on the trails and goes willingly where you point him without hesitation and loves a nice, relaxed ride out on the trails! He has seen lots of outside miles out on the trails and is brave alone or good in a group and will confidently lead the way or is happy to follow behind. He crosses water, is used to rough terrain, goes through the mud and over the logs, is familiar with wildlife and dogs out on the trail. In the arena, Dutton always walks off nicely even with time off, lopes nice circles, takes his leads, neck reins, rides on a loose rein, is comfortable to ride and easy to sit, he stops well, knows leg cues, spins and backs up nicely. He has a great start in the breakaway roping he leaves hard, tracks his calf, stops good and is ready to go on with and be seasoned. In the barn, Dutton loves attention, stands great to be brushed, saddled and bridled. He will stand tied all day, is easy to catch, great for the farrier and veterinarian, is good for a bath, loads and hauls well, he pastures or stalls and has no vices whatsoever. We cannot say enough good things about Dutton! He has no special maintenance and is an easy keeper. Dutton has no buck, bolt, rear or silly business. He is a special horse that deserves the best and is a great all-around horse for the whole family to enjoy! 100% sound and has a basic pre purchase exam on file. Dutton is located in Iowa- we can help arrange shipping nationwide if needed.

Homepage: horsebidllc
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