5 mal gemerkt
Rolex- Paint Cross, English/Western Prospect
Gebot auf Auktion
Inserats-ID: 4343027
Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Einstelldatum: 2/3/2025
Inseratsaufrufe: 668
3 Jahre
152 cm
English Pleasure
Western Pleasure
Western Pleasure
ist roh
ist Allrounder
- Deutsch
- Italienisch
- Polnisch
- Niederländisch
- Spanisch
- Französisch
- Englisch
"AVAILABLE ON ONLINE HORSE AUCTION AT www DOT MagicHorseAuction DOT com BIDDING OPEN NOW thru TUESDAY | FEBRUARY 4th...BUY IT NOW AVAILABLE!! *Final price will be determined on auction site* CONSIGNOR CONTACT INFO: Dylan Landon 765-553-2526 LOCATION: Van Horne, IA Rolex 15.2hh blue roan and white paint. Stout made, kind eyed and has a beautiful way of traveling. Rolex has a quiet walk, great reach at the trot and a smooth transition to his floating canter. He has been extensively trail ridden and handles trail obstacles like a pro. Rolex has a very kind eye with a can do attitude. Saddles the same every time even with time off. Rolex would make an exceptional prospect to go any direction. Easy keeper on pasture or in a stall. Turns out well in a mixed herd. Loads and bathes with ease. Please reach out for more information!"

Homepage: magic-horse
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